Saturday, May 20, 2006
Leaves rustling in maple trees
Rolling, crackling across the ground
A soft wind whispers in my ear
A gentle, prayerful sound
Caterpillars slurp on juicy leaves
If you listen you will hear
The fish that jumps in the brook
The footfalls of the deer
Sounds in the night that frighten me
Whisper comfort through the day
Like the forever rhythm of Cricket's chirp
As I sleep, and work, and play
I've heard the flutter of Butterfly's wings
And the drip of a morning dew
The early bird singing a happy tune
Wake up you sleepy Pooh
There is so much whisper in the wood
Up, down, around, and through
Like the cracking birth of Robin's eggs
It's like the birth of nature too
Pooh Bear
Copyright 2006 Craig Franklin