Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bear Hugs-

A hug should never be left unhugged
There's so much good a hug can do
Someone you know will beam and glow
After a big bear hug from you

When Eeyore feels blue, and Piglet does too
Bear hugs make their faces shine
But what's this I see. You look hugless to me.
Here, I'll give you a bear hug of mine

Pooh Bear

Copyright 2006 Craig Franklin

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Have you ever been afraid
On a dark and lonely night?
I was, but made a brand new friend
When I saw past my fright

I let Tigger come inside
Hungry, and without a home
And found that I am not afraid
When I am not alone

Pooh Bear

copyright 2006 Craig Franklin

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Don't let sadness keep you sad
That's not who you really are
You were born with a bag of glad
Filled with dust from a shiny star

And when your spirit is feeling low
There's a stronger spirit deep inside
Bright beaming with a stardust glow
And soon you're smiling deep and wide

Pooh Bear

Copyright 2006 Craig Franklin