Sunday, March 26, 2006


Dreaming of things you love is fun
And dreaming helps to get things done
My head can think of all kinds of stuff
Even though it's full of fluff

Now you might think that this is funny
But I dream up ways of finding 'hunny'
I'll whisper this, so not to dream too loud
I dreamed I could be a little black cloud

And float to the hunny with a balloon
Oh, I can taste it. It'll be mine soon.
But if not, well, that works too
I have lots more dreams. How about you?

Pooh Bear

Copyright 2006 Craig Franklin

Friday, March 24, 2006


Friends don't need to be alike
They just need to care
And love the difference
And make a difference
To each others day
And that's the difference
That makes us different
And why we love to play

Pooh Bear

Copyright 2006 Craig Franklin